Who Are We?
History of Kalkaska Unified Ministries for Christ (formerly known as Kalkaska United Methodist Church) The Methodist Church in Kalkaska had its early beginnings in the mid-1800s. According to county records and published histories of Kalkaska County, the Methodist Episcopal Church was incorporated in 1879. During the first few years, services were held in both the…
Sermon – Sept. 24, 2023
September 24, 2023 He Is Our King! Matthew 2:1-17 Reverend Yongchoel Woo Last Saturday evening, I received a text message from Kathey Cushman that her husband, Ward, had passed away. When he was admitted to a hospital downstate to remove the necrotic skin on the sole of his right foot caused by diabetes, he looked…
Sermon – Sept. 10, 2023
September 10, 2023 ‘Be Strong in His Mighty Power’ Ephesians 6:10-20 Reverend Yongchoel Woo Last Sunday afternoon, I started to feel pain in my left molar. It was probably caused by a viralinfection. The next day was Labor Day. Even though I still felt tooth pain and a little tired at the same time, I went out for a run in the early evening, thinking that running would…
Sermon – September 3, 2023
September 3, 2023 “How Can We Please Our God?” Ephesians 5:1-2, 8-10,17-18 Reverend Yongchoel Woo In a sermon a few weeks ago, I mentioned that I have started running. I’ve been running ever since, and I’m making some progress. Now I can slowly run about five miles without any problems. As I run along the roads in my subdivision two or three times a week, (slide 1) I can’t help but notice various smells. At some houses, I can smell the fresh scent…
Sermon – August 27, 2023
August 27, 2023 “Why Does He Call Us to Be Together?” Ephesians 4:1-16Reverend Yongchoel Woo Last week while visiting one of our church members, I learned that I can buy a bag of Werther’s OriginalChewy Caramels for $1, (slide 1) which is normally sold for almost $4. I was curious and asked her whatthe secret…
Sermon – August 6, 2023
August 6, 2023 What Does It Mean that We Are God’s Masterpieces?Ephesians 2:1-10Reverend Yongchoel Woo During the time of Vacation Bible School last month, Dave Stockford and several teenagers completed a special project to build outdoor benches. (slide1) The benches were placed in a shady spot among the pine trees in front of the church.…
July 16, 2023 Sermon
Page | 1 July 16, 2023 Why Should We Praise Him? Ephesians 1:1-14 Reverend Yongchoel Woo From 2005 to 2008, I attended Drew Theological Seminary in Madison, New Jersey, and completed the Master of Divinity degree program. There was a cross-cultural study course among the required classes, and I chose to go to Turkey. The…
Contact Us:
Email: kalkaskaumc@yahoo.comPhone: 231-258-2820 Find us on Facebook at Kalkaska United Methodist Church