Kalkaska United Methodist Church

Loving God and Loving Others, Making Disciples for Christ

  • Sermon -August 18, 2024

    August 18, 2024 Where Does the Holy Spirit Tell Us To Go? Acts 8:26-40 Reverend Yong Choel Woo When I was about two years old, an American couple came to Korea. The husband worked for Korea’s security as a U.S. Army officer stationed in Korea, and the wife did missionary work by teaching acupuncture and…

  • Sermon – Sept. 24, 2023

    September 24, 2023 He Is Our King! Matthew 2:1-17 Reverend Yongchoel Woo Last Saturday evening, I received a text message from Kathey Cushman that her husband, Ward, had passed away. When he was admitted to a hospital downstate to remove the necrotic skin on the sole of his right foot caused by diabetes, he looked…

  • Sermon – Sept. 10, 2023

    September 10, 2023  ‘Be Strong in His Mighty Power’ Ephesians 6:10-20 Reverend Yongchoel Woo Last Sunday afternoon, I started to feel pain in my left molar. It was probably caused by a viralinfection. The next day was Labor Day.  Even though I still felt tooth pain and a little tired at the same time, I went out for a run in the early evening, thinking that running would…

  • Sermon – September 3, 2023

    September 3, 2023 “How Can We Please Our God?” Ephesians 5:1-2, 8-10,17-18 Reverend Yongchoel Woo In a sermon a few weeks ago, I mentioned that I have started running. I’ve been running ever since, and I’m making some progress. Now I can slowly run about five miles without any problems. As I run along the roads in my subdivision two or three times a week, (slide 1) I can’t help but notice various smells. At some houses, I can smell the fresh scent…

  • Sermon – August 27, 2023

    August 27, 2023 “Why Does He Call Us to Be Together?” Ephesians 4:1-16Reverend Yongchoel Woo Last week while visiting one of our church members, I learned that I can buy a bag of Werther’s OriginalChewy Caramels for $1, (slide 1) which is normally sold for almost $4. I was curious and asked her whatthe secret…

  • Sermon – August 6, 2023

    August 6, 2023 What Does It Mean that We Are God’s Masterpieces?Ephesians 2:1-10Reverend Yongchoel Woo During the time of Vacation Bible School last month, Dave Stockford and several teenagers completed a special project to build outdoor benches. (slide1) The benches were placed in a shady spot among the pine trees in front of the church.…

  • July 16, 2023 Sermon

    Page | 1 July 16, 2023 Why Should We Praise Him? Ephesians 1:1-14 Reverend Yongchoel Woo From 2005 to 2008, I attended Drew Theological Seminary in Madison, New Jersey, and completed the Master of Divinity degree program. There was a cross-cultural study course among the required classes, and I chose to go to Turkey. The…

  • Contact Us:

    Email: kalkaskaumc@yahoo.comPhone: 231-258-2820 Find us on Facebook at Kalkaska United Methodist Church

  • Who Are We?

    Kalkaska United Methodist Church began in a living room in 1983. As the body of Christ started to grow, we outgrew the living room and moved into the COA building. Through God’s blessings, the church continued to flourish and we moved into Ace Hardware in Kalkaska while the church was being built. We held service…